Tuesday, 4 September 2012

chaos happening on september 4th 2012

So I've just finished reading The Day of The Triffids by John Wyndham. The Chrysalids was my first "proper" scifi book. I got both books from the libary last week. Really good reads. I'm planning on doing some scifi work so I got them for "research". I'm just trying to find out more about the genre before I give it a crack on my own.

In other news, my brother started my high school today. They do what is called a 'staggered start'. So the year 7s have the school to themselves on their first day, then the year 11s will go back tommorow and the rest of us go back on Thursday.
Also, I have just found out it is my Grandad's birthday. It's almost four years since he died and I still really miss him. I feel awful that I didn't know it's his birthday today. He would have been 55. He was a lovely man, like a parent to me. And sometimes, I felt I could trust him more than my actual parents. It didn't matter that I was being bullied at school or had no friends, because he was there for me. (This is in primary school. It really sucked. But I'm happy in High School so not to worry.) There's so much I want to talk to him about. RIP Grandad, I love you.

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