I know it doesn't mean much but I want to say my piece on the vile, outragous crime that took place in Connecticut today.
How can anyone because cruel and heart-less as to murder 20 young, innocent children? It disgusts me to my core.
My heart goes out to all the families and friends of those 27 brutally killed. You're all in my prayers and mind. I can not begin to imagine your pain.
That fact families won't even get to enjoy Christmas together anymore due to this has made me deeply appreciative of my family and oppertunities.
All those poor babies are with Jesus now and beyond harm. Rest In Peace
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Argh! I should have listened to my fellow vloggers!
I spent pretty much all night trying to upload my vlog update but it didn't work! Youtube didn't upload it! It's very annoying! But I'll live. Wish me luck for my second try. Luvs ya, Amy xxx
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
chaos happening on september 4th 2012
So I've just finished reading The Day of The Triffids by John Wyndham. The Chrysalids was my first "proper" scifi book. I got both books from the libary last week. Really good reads. I'm planning on doing some scifi work so I got them for "research". I'm just trying to find out more about the genre before I give it a crack on my own.
In other news, my brother started my high school today. They do what is called a 'staggered start'. So the year 7s have the school to themselves on their first day, then the year 11s will go back tommorow and the rest of us go back on Thursday.
Also, I have just found out it is my Grandad's birthday. It's almost four years since he died and I still really miss him. I feel awful that I didn't know it's his birthday today. He would have been 55. He was a lovely man, like a parent to me. And sometimes, I felt I could trust him more than my actual parents. It didn't matter that I was being bullied at school or had no friends, because he was there for me. (This is in primary school. It really sucked. But I'm happy in High School so not to worry.) There's so much I want to talk to him about. RIP Grandad, I love you.
In other news, my brother started my high school today. They do what is called a 'staggered start'. So the year 7s have the school to themselves on their first day, then the year 11s will go back tommorow and the rest of us go back on Thursday.
Also, I have just found out it is my Grandad's birthday. It's almost four years since he died and I still really miss him. I feel awful that I didn't know it's his birthday today. He would have been 55. He was a lovely man, like a parent to me. And sometimes, I felt I could trust him more than my actual parents. It didn't matter that I was being bullied at school or had no friends, because he was there for me. (This is in primary school. It really sucked. But I'm happy in High School so not to worry.) There's so much I want to talk to him about. RIP Grandad, I love you.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Blog vlog
As Promised *snigger* I'm linking you to my vlog. It's my first vlog so don't be too harsh guys. Luvs ya xxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxRBGa3MKrE gulp
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Worldwide Wonders
Just casually scrolling along facebook; logged into my private account. I decided to check my professional page. It's the one my readers can like. For example when asked about one's prefered authors you can type in any author and like their page; Jaqueline Wilson, Terry Pratchett, Dan Brown, Rachel Caine, Anne Cassidy, John Wyndham, J K Rowling, H P Lovecraft... I could go on forever but back to the point. I found that I have readers all over the world, Russia, Greece, I find it mindbloggling and really cool. It is at this point when that niggly little voice in the back of my head says "They may just be ramdom likers, haven't even heard of your book, don't care about it..." But I'll just tell it to shut up and go back to bed. Cheerful as ever, Amy.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
So, basically, I'm here today to invite you to subscribe to my youtube account, xStrawberryBoox (lame name I know but it'll do) I am gonna make and upload a vlog. And you may be think "wait, but Amy, you already have links to youtube at the side of this page" Indeed I do, but those are for my friend Mirela's channel. She's pretty cool, check it out! anyway, I'll put a link next to hers and you lot can enjoy. Or mock.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Snippet to bide you over
So I realised I haven't blogged in a while. I have decided to put on a pinch of something I did on writtenkitten. Enjoy...
She'd blown in it. Blown it all. And for what, to prove her point against a stubborn, little man. Now she was ruined. If she could have just kept that sharp tongue of hers in her mouth then, maybe, she would have been okay. But she'd gotten angery, with the way he disbelieved her and twisted her words. It was the last straw when he called her a muderer. She wasn't! No-one believed she was innocent, but she was. And now she'd ruined it all! Yelling at a man who had lured her under a cloak of safety, saying she should talk to him, prove she had nothing to hide, then twisted her words like a dagger into her back. Now, she looked short-tempered and nobody would believe that someone who can lash out like that could possibly be innocent. But she was.
She'd blown in it. Blown it all. And for what, to prove her point against a stubborn, little man. Now she was ruined. If she could have just kept that sharp tongue of hers in her mouth then, maybe, she would have been okay. But she'd gotten angery, with the way he disbelieved her and twisted her words. It was the last straw when he called her a muderer. She wasn't! No-one believed she was innocent, but she was. And now she'd ruined it all! Yelling at a man who had lured her under a cloak of safety, saying she should talk to him, prove she had nothing to hide, then twisted her words like a dagger into her back. Now, she looked short-tempered and nobody would believe that someone who can lash out like that could possibly be innocent. But she was.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Sob story
Last day of year 8! Kind of depressing really. Going to be in year 9 and feeling the pressure of the next three years already. I can't believe that's it, three years, and all my school life is just gone... FOR GOOD! no second chances or do-overs. I can safely say there's a few I won't miss, but there's loads of people I am.
My form tutor, Miss Lawrie, and my extremly awesome science teacher, Mr Harris, are leaving this year. I'm definately going to miss them.
I have the craziest and funniest of conversations with them both. Miss Lawrie has given CLA alot of support in her time looking after us and all in all, put up with us, which is harder than it sounds.
Mr Harris is the best science teacher. He makes lessons fun and jokes all the time. He's willing to answer our questions after class, and when I stayed behind, to annoy Grace and Catherine, because whenever I do, they complain, FOR THE LAST EVER TIME, sir was still smiling and told us three girls, we were well on the way to A*, the highest GCSE available. I'm also predicted a A* in maths so I'm very happy about that. Very sad they're leaving though.
My form tutor, Miss Lawrie, and my extremly awesome science teacher, Mr Harris, are leaving this year. I'm definately going to miss them.
I have the craziest and funniest of conversations with them both. Miss Lawrie has given CLA alot of support in her time looking after us and all in all, put up with us, which is harder than it sounds.
Mr Harris is the best science teacher. He makes lessons fun and jokes all the time. He's willing to answer our questions after class, and when I stayed behind, to annoy Grace and Catherine, because whenever I do, they complain, FOR THE LAST EVER TIME, sir was still smiling and told us three girls, we were well on the way to A*, the highest GCSE available. I'm also predicted a A* in maths so I'm very happy about that. Very sad they're leaving though.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
My booooooooooook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing my proper, back-to-back copy of my book for the first time is the amazing feeling. It's like having a baby but it's less dependent on me. No fear of me having a proper baby at this age though! However, Euan seems hell-bent on torturing me. He shows every one he can get his hands on and my form/English have been on about it ALL day. Us authors (squee) are a shy lot so when they are all of "Omigosh, I know a booky person.", I want the Earth to spilt and let me make my escape. Help! Yay! Stuff! Look out for the sequel. Me and Euan have a joke that we shall be releasing Choosen after the release the film version of Promised, but it'll probably be out before then.
Loves ya,
Amy xxxx
Loves ya,
Amy xxxx
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
poor word
Poor Word. What does it take for me to write, the internet breaking. My poor little stories are sat there patiently as I spend my time blowing brain cells on Facebook and Youtube. Sigh...
Good side: Need to write
Lazy side: Can't be bothered
Intelligent side: Don't look at me, I just got the highest score in our last THREE maths tests
Evil side: Hmmm, wonder is my cat minions have do what they were supposed to yet
Good side: Kittens are cute!
Evil side: Precisly
ME: To write or not to write? WRITE (duh)
Gargh, guess I'll go do it then. Fine!
Good side: Need to write
Lazy side: Can't be bothered
Intelligent side: Don't look at me, I just got the highest score in our last THREE maths tests
Evil side: Hmmm, wonder is my cat minions have do what they were supposed to yet
Good side: Kittens are cute!
Evil side: Precisly
ME: To write or not to write? WRITE (duh)
Gargh, guess I'll go do it then. Fine!
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Monday, 4 June 2012
Broken Laptop-end of world
I am really irritated now!!! Albany has broken my laptop, so I can not write my stories. It's starting to get on my nerves and I feel like crying because I may lose all my files. I need to calm down... Well, hopefully it will be fixed next time I update...
Thursday, 24 May 2012
13 today!
Happy Birthday to me!
Well, it's not been very happy. My stepdad is in London so I won't be seeing him.
My Aunt has been in labour for three days so I have been worried about her and angry at the hospital for being short staffed and not giving her a room. Anyway, Sophie Louise Howell came into the world at ten past twelve this afternoon. She stole my birthday sigh.
Also, I have had an argument with a right cow during Spanish. And I've nearly got sunburn
Oh well, at least I can sign up to Facebook now lol
Well, it's not been very happy. My stepdad is in London so I won't be seeing him.
My Aunt has been in labour for three days so I have been worried about her and angry at the hospital for being short staffed and not giving her a room. Anyway, Sophie Louise Howell came into the world at ten past twelve this afternoon. She stole my birthday sigh.
Also, I have had an argument with a right cow during Spanish. And I've nearly got sunburn
Oh well, at least I can sign up to Facebook now lol
Monday, 14 May 2012
As the my lovely publisher and good friend Euan has posted, I have my first book out. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy. I am trying to figure out the sequence of my new project, it is not the sequel but Promised will have a sequel eventually. So excited!!!!
Anyway, crazy jumping around the room phase over, I have been wondering what conversation catergory teenagers fall into. I mean, parents and adults don't like our company. Well, the cool ones do but most think we shouldn't be involved in adult conversations, which I think could possibly be being as mean and bi-tch-ey (I do not swear) as teenage girls.
And kids are snotty brats who talk stupidly and are evil. Do we just go take ourselves off to some shelf where we fester till our elderly parents now think at 30 we are now capable of being an intresting companion!!!!
Ergh, then again, some kids are cute! I will give you the example of Poppy who is playing with a cup and spoon very cuely. Awh, she pretends to drink from it!!!!
She is adorable. She is 15 nearly months but here is a picture from Christmas when she was 10 months old.
I guess I'll upload some more photos...
Poppy looking defeated because she has been told that dirty, awful word, No! She is on her Dad's lap; he is the one who stopped the naughty raggamuffin btw.
Albany, trying to persuade the parents to be gullible to her mischief. You can even tell she is planning something evil.
Me and my Mommy, looking beautiful. Not! LOL
George and Albany on the swing set outside the Indian Restraunt.
Yes, an Indian Restraunt. My Mother did not wish to cook on Christmas so my parents said we were going there with no say from the kids. But as their argument was, the J-man was more likely to have eaten curry than mash potatoes and chicken.
I hope you enjoy. I am trying to figure out the sequence of my new project, it is not the sequel but Promised will have a sequel eventually. So excited!!!!
Anyway, crazy jumping around the room phase over, I have been wondering what conversation catergory teenagers fall into. I mean, parents and adults don't like our company. Well, the cool ones do but most think we shouldn't be involved in adult conversations, which I think could possibly be being as mean and bi-tch-ey (I do not swear) as teenage girls.
And kids are snotty brats who talk stupidly and are evil. Do we just go take ourselves off to some shelf where we fester till our elderly parents now think at 30 we are now capable of being an intresting companion!!!!
Ergh, then again, some kids are cute! I will give you the example of Poppy who is playing with a cup and spoon very cuely. Awh, she pretends to drink from it!!!!
She is adorable. She is 15 nearly months but here is a picture from Christmas when she was 10 months old.
I guess I'll upload some more photos...
Poppy looking defeated because she has been told that dirty, awful word, No! She is on her Dad's lap; he is the one who stopped the naughty raggamuffin btw.
Albany, trying to persuade the parents to be gullible to her mischief. You can even tell she is planning something evil.
Me and my Mommy, looking beautiful. Not! LOL
George and Albany on the swing set outside the Indian Restraunt.
Yes, an Indian Restraunt. My Mother did not wish to cook on Christmas so my parents said we were going there with no say from the kids. But as their argument was, the J-man was more likely to have eaten curry than mash potatoes and chicken.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Amy's Book
Hello Readers,
Amy's First Book Promised will be available on amazon.com from Monday. The Book will be in paperback and is 72 Pages Long. It is only a Novella!!
Amy's First Book Promised will be available on amazon.com from Monday. The Book will be in paperback and is 72 Pages Long. It is only a Novella!!
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Life's comebacks
After seeing Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I would love to read it), my friend Mara has been telling me that the answer to life, the universe and everything is "42" but I can come up with cooler answers, thank you Mara-moo. Here they are:
- Here is a convieniantly found dictonary. Look it up yourself Lazy
- Do I look like Google?!
- Popcorn
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Macbeth engrossment for 8CLA
So, um, hey...
I have been watching a modern version of Macbeth in Drama this morning and I thought "wow, Joe (Macbeth) is sharpening that knife with out even looking at it". Lol...
Anyway, the reason he doind that (whilst SINGING!!!) was because he was head cheif and Duncan got the credit for Joe's 3 star cooking. So Joe goes stabby, stabby then Miss tells us to leave because the bell
is going.
Anyhoo, I liked it and all of the class were sat engrossed. I looked around and thought "WOW, wow, Shakespeare has done THIS to a group of (kinda rowdy) tweens, Krystian, a boy who isn't the sharpest knife in the box, was like "No....no... don't kill him, don't be tight." and I was all like 'Shakespeare has touched him, touched us all'.
I have promised before and I promise again I will eventually do a blog on the Bard!
I forgot to mention that 8cla is my form, formed from our form tutor, Catriona Lawrie's intials, and because some teachers share intials, the first two from her last name.
I have been watching a modern version of Macbeth in Drama this morning and I thought "wow, Joe (Macbeth) is sharpening that knife with out even looking at it". Lol...
Anyway, the reason he doind that (whilst SINGING!!!) was because he was head cheif and Duncan got the credit for Joe's 3 star cooking. So Joe goes stabby, stabby then Miss tells us to leave because the bell
is going.
Anyhoo, I liked it and all of the class were sat engrossed. I looked around and thought "WOW, wow, Shakespeare has done THIS to a group of (kinda rowdy) tweens, Krystian, a boy who isn't the sharpest knife in the box, was like "No....no... don't kill him, don't be tight." and I was all like 'Shakespeare has touched him, touched us all'.
I have promised before and I promise again I will eventually do a blog on the Bard!
I forgot to mention that 8cla is my form, formed from our form tutor, Catriona Lawrie's intials, and because some teachers share intials, the first two from her last name.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Poorly Alby = Poor me
So, Hello!!
I'm exhausted. Albany keeps waking me up in the middle of the night, crying!!! It's the pain of her throat infection, but she refuses to go get her medicene. Leaving me to crawl from my nice warm snugglely bed to go get her dad. Poor me.
Well, as I metioned before, I will be doing a Greek myth twist, but my twist was just got a whole lot better. *wink, wink* I'm not telling
I'm exhausted. Albany keeps waking me up in the middle of the night, crying!!! It's the pain of her throat infection, but she refuses to go get her medicene. Leaving me to crawl from my nice warm snugglely bed to go get her dad. Poor me.
Well, as I metioned before, I will be doing a Greek myth twist, but my twist was just got a whole lot better. *wink, wink* I'm not telling
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Harris' vampires and cancer jabs *ouch*
Ok, so, I've decided to read the Southern Vampire Mysteries novels by Charlaine Harris, a.k.a the TruBlood novels. But they're only know as TruBlood due to HBO.
Anyway, I went to the Libary (one of my favorite hangouts) and asked the lovely Mrs.Loy about Dead until Dark, the first novel. Mrs. Loy is the libarian, she's an ambrosial little woman with short dark hair and a beaming smile. Who ever came up with libarians being scary obviously hasn't met our lot. So she's got Dead Until Dark for me...
It's awesome. I can hardly put it down. I'm hooked. I'm only on page 55 of 326 and plenty has gone off!!! A real page turner so far. It's taking my mind of my acheing arm due to my cervical cancer jab.
YES! They gave me the last one of three this morning. It feels like being stung by a bee but now my arm aches terribly. But at least I won't get the three deadlist cervical cancers... Wait a minute, that means there's more we can get, and I still have to have a yucky 'smear test' every 5 years when I'm older. This is not what I signed up for 'sigh'
Anyway, I went to the Libary (one of my favorite hangouts) and asked the lovely Mrs.Loy about Dead until Dark, the first novel. Mrs. Loy is the libarian, she's an ambrosial little woman with short dark hair and a beaming smile. Who ever came up with libarians being scary obviously hasn't met our lot. So she's got Dead Until Dark for me...
It's awesome. I can hardly put it down. I'm hooked. I'm only on page 55 of 326 and plenty has gone off!!! A real page turner so far. It's taking my mind of my acheing arm due to my cervical cancer jab.
YES! They gave me the last one of three this morning. It feels like being stung by a bee but now my arm aches terribly. But at least I won't get the three deadlist cervical cancers... Wait a minute, that means there's more we can get, and I still have to have a yucky 'smear test' every 5 years when I'm older. This is not what I signed up for 'sigh'
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Death by Boredom
Youtube has taken over my life!
I find myself singing THE KEY OF AWESOME parodies. That's how bad it's got; I know the lyrics of Youtube songs. I need something to do before I die of boredom.
By the way, THE KEY OF AWESOME is a really funny group who make hilarious videos. You should watch them.
Luvs ya Amy xxx
Youtube has taken over my life!
I find myself singing THE KEY OF AWESOME parodies. That's how bad it's got; I know the lyrics of Youtube songs. I need something to do before I die of boredom.
By the way, THE KEY OF AWESOME is a really funny group who make hilarious videos. You should watch them.
Luvs ya Amy xxx
Monday, 9 April 2012
Happy Easter
Happy Easter! Are you all enjoying your chocolate? You can see some chocolate facts, on my earlier post 'Chocolate...". Anyhoo, I am hoping to finish my first novella soon :)
Oh, yes... I have just finished Going Postal by Terry Prattchet. It's a very good book and Mr Prattchet should be proud of his work. I would recommend it to all 12+
Oh, yes... I have just finished Going Postal by Terry Prattchet. It's a very good book and Mr Prattchet should be proud of his work. I would recommend it to all 12+
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
The problem is that when the maker looks upon their creation, they will always find imperfection. They don't realise the only perfection in life is love, and love involves looking past the flaws-Amy Young, 2012
I have started to stress out over my novella as when I, myself read it, it seems like total rubbish, yet everyone else praises it. I know these people are they lying?
So to develop my seemingly cruddy writing skills, I have decided to rewrite The Littlest Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson and the Greek legend of Hades and Persephone. I shall twist up the legend, maybe chuck in some kiddie-winks (YES, YES, The youthful Goddess of Fertility doesn't have any kids in the Greek myth but Hades is meant to be infertile, dead people not haveing kids 'n' all that jazz).
As for The Littlest Mermaid, I won't do Disney's happier version, but twist the original. Also, I won't rip off Disney with "Ariel", even though they kinda stole that from Shakespeare. (blog on the amazing playwrite later)
This means I do need to read more fairytales, but that's no chore. I love Hans Christian Anderson and The Brothers Grimm.
*pulling Jacob's and Wilhelm's cheek* You little con men, you.
Also surfing the web for inspiring fairytale pictures, which also spark my own stories.
I have started to stress out over my novella as when I, myself read it, it seems like total rubbish, yet everyone else praises it. I know these people are they lying?
So to develop my seemingly cruddy writing skills, I have decided to rewrite The Littlest Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson and the Greek legend of Hades and Persephone. I shall twist up the legend, maybe chuck in some kiddie-winks (YES, YES, The youthful Goddess of Fertility doesn't have any kids in the Greek myth but Hades is meant to be infertile, dead people not haveing kids 'n' all that jazz).
As for The Littlest Mermaid, I won't do Disney's happier version, but twist the original. Also, I won't rip off Disney with "Ariel", even though they kinda stole that from Shakespeare. (blog on the amazing playwrite later)
This means I do need to read more fairytales, but that's no chore. I love Hans Christian Anderson and The Brothers Grimm.
*pulling Jacob's and Wilhelm's cheek* You little con men, you.
Also surfing the web for inspiring fairytale pictures, which also spark my own stories.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Stress over writing, crying over music
The worst thing about writing is that when you have none of the basic facts and you have to STUDY!!! I do that enough at school... *sighs*
Dunh Dunh Dunh!!!
I do I that?
Thought one does think whilst trying to figure out your plot, transform it into a script. Plus who the heck is going to perform it/ make it into a film?
I mean, it maybe slightly sci-fi but my story is not Spielberg's cup of tea...
Deeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppp Brrrreeeeatttthhhhhhs, sssssssllllllllooooooooowwwwwww reeeeeeellllllllllleeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyhoo, to cheer myself up, I am listening to New Rock music that makes me want to cry *smiles unbelievably*
I need to talk to my Goth friend Grace (no seriously. I'll get a photo eventually). She's good at writing and being annoyingly pedantic.
Back on the subject of New Rock, I have now become addicted to it. It's, like, the only thing British people can sing... Maybe because it fits with our miserable lives and weather. (Weirdly, weather is the most talked about English subject, blog on that later).
Grace won't talk to me *sad face*
So I'll talk to her dog instead *happy face*
Dunh Dunh Dunh!!!
I do I that?
Thought one does think whilst trying to figure out your plot, transform it into a script. Plus who the heck is going to perform it/ make it into a film?
I mean, it maybe slightly sci-fi but my story is not Spielberg's cup of tea...
Deeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppp Brrrreeeeatttthhhhhhs, sssssssllllllllooooooooowwwwwww reeeeeeellllllllllleeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyhoo, to cheer myself up, I am listening to New Rock music that makes me want to cry *smiles unbelievably*
I need to talk to my Goth friend Grace (no seriously. I'll get a photo eventually). She's good at writing and being annoyingly pedantic.
Back on the subject of New Rock, I have now become addicted to it. It's, like, the only thing British people can sing... Maybe because it fits with our miserable lives and weather. (Weirdly, weather is the most talked about English subject, blog on that later).
Grace won't talk to me *sad face*
So I'll talk to her dog instead *happy face*
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Mmm. chocolate.
Who doesn't love chocolate?
Did you know that eating chocolate gives you endorphins? Those are tiny little things that make you smile. Excersise also gives you endorphins so you be happy digesting and burning off chockie :)
Well, anyway, they did a test to see whether 'chocaholics' could actually exist. It's a no but there's a catch...
The part of your brain that controls your sensory system relates seeing chocolate to eating chocolate so you're not addicted. Therefore, if you find yourself munching too many chockies, don't go walking near Thornton's. Seeing is craving...
Luvs ya xxx
Friday, 23 March 2012
Oh dear, I have been hit with the infamous Writer's Block today. So I decided to read some more of Sapphire Battersea. I totally love it.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
secend Blog - will be the best yet
From the Hetty Feather Campaign comes A girl who wrote stories by our multi- award winning friend Amy.
About Me
Hi, I'm Amy from bonny West Yorkshire, England. I have a "flair" (to quote my English teacher) for writing and just can't stop. Unfortunately, no one wants to publish them :-( Never mind...
I am twelve years of age and not one of them has made me any wiser :-P
I have no elder siblings but loads and I mean LOADS of little 'uns. (Whoo! Yorkshire dilect)
Anyhoo, there's my full brother George and when my parents split up, my Mum had two daughters Albany, 7 and Poppy, 1 plus my Dad had his girls Katie, 6 and Lilly, 0. Luvs ya xxx
I am twelve years of age and not one of them has made me any wiser :-P
I have no elder siblings but loads and I mean LOADS of little 'uns. (Whoo! Yorkshire dilect)
Anyhoo, there's my full brother George and when my parents split up, my Mum had two daughters Albany, 7 and Poppy, 1 plus my Dad had his girls Katie, 6 and Lilly, 0. Luvs ya xxx
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